Year 3 • Prologue

• • • The Wind returns for Year 3 • • •

I found a handsaw sticking out of the snow, and I carried it deep into the woods.

This is a story I’ve told a few times.


Years ago, I built a desk in the mountains.

Now, I commute. I pass through Throat Forest, through groves and thickets, slopes and descents. Pine stands, arborglyphs, artifacts buried in the tall grass. Except for now, when the dry blades lay flat under deep snow.

I follow my own path, indented in the top crust. But if I were to find a shovel sticking out of the snow, and dig, I’d sink directly down to the dirt, where my foot path would be visible, in earth, as trail. A trail that, year round, leads from my house to my desk.

A path is made by repetitive action.

So too, is a path made by retelling.

To speak a story over again is to deepen its ridges. And though I’ve strayed to unfamiliar terrain on occasion, finding new carvings, old fence posts, a decades-old car accident, I find my self in the same groove most days, like a needle on a record.

It becomes a performance, both the story and the walk. The walk, a performance of gratitude and curiosity, and habit. The story, a performance of understanding.

This year on The Wind, we’ll hear from performers, who step into arenas and ball parks, into the ring against the ropes and out on the open road, following migrations. We’ll listen to the paths they’ve created through repetitive action, as practice and preparation, the trails they’ve carved, as the steady beat of a distant drum.

I’m Fil Corbitt and this is Year 3 of The Wind.

Tags + Topics: The Wind, The Wind Podcast, Fil Corbitt, Listening, Sound Podcast, Artifacts, Arborglyphs, Podcast about Listening, Reading Podcast, Literature Podcast, Journalism Podcast, Travel Podcast, Prologue